16 Days of Activism

What does the “16 Days of Activism” campaign against Gender-Based Violence entail:

  • The campaign was started by activists at the inauguration of the Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991.
  • It is used as an organising strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.
  • For 16 days each year organisations with similar goals advocate / highlight issues to end Gender based violence.
  • Starting 15 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  • Through to 10 December, Human Rights Day.
  • It is a time to get the message across to your community.


























What’s is the Zonta Club of Adelaide Hills (ZCAH) doing to support these issues in your community?

  • Government Buildings are requested to light up in Orange lights.
  • Orange ladies appear in local shops and businesses.
  • Vigils are held to remember Australian women or children, effected / killed by domestic violence.
  • Letters are written to local councils and MP’s to express concerns over violence.
  • “Expect Respect” programs are run in schools, facilitated by ZCAH, to highlight friendship building and anti-bullying techniques amongst our young community.