Breast Care Cushions

The Zonta Breast Care cushions are provided as a community service, as comfort to women (and men) in the post-operative phase of breast surgery, more often after breast cancer surgery. The cushion is used for support while sleeping, protection while shopping or from pressure of a seat belt, and for comfort.
Cushions are distributed to Adelaide and country hospitals in conjunction with other Zonta clubs as a District 23 project. Distribution in hospitals is by Breast Care Nurses. They are made by members and friends of Zonta Clubs. The feedback received from recipients has been positive, with one woman noting that receiving the cushion was a turning point for her in helping to change her outlook and feel more positive.

Throughout the year Zonta Clubs in this District and others in Australia hold sewing bees to make these sought-after cushions. It is a wonderful fellowship afternoon making these cushions. In 30 years the Adelaide Hills club has made over 600 breast cushions.

How can you help?

1. Help at a sewing day.
2. Donate money to buy the satin and wadding.

Posted in Projects.