About Zonta District 23

Zontians in District 23 (Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia) support a range of service projects and awards at the International, District and Club levels to help women in Australia and overseas.

Our District 23 service projects include

  • assembling and distributing birthing kits that provide for a clean and safe birthing environment for women without access to professional medical care in developing countries and
  • making and distributing breast care cushions for women (and men) recovering from breast surgery in Australia.

In addition, we support a number of education awards including the Amelia Earhart Fellowships, Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarships and Young Women in Public Affairs Awards that provide financial assistance to help ‘kick start’ women’s scientific, business and public policy careers and acknowledge the quiet achievers in the community.

Through Zonta service we can and do make a difference!