Getting Started baskets for Louise Place

What is Louise Place?

Louise Place is a 24 hour supported accommodation facility for young, single women (18 years and under) who are pregnant or parenting. These young women have come from abusive home environments and have been subject to repetitive physical and sexual violence. Some of the women are as young as 13 years. They usually arrive traumatised, confused, lonely and often scared. Louise Place provides them with a safe environment to learn new skills to live independently, to gain emotional and pregnancy support and to learn parenting skills. These services are provided to approximately 30 young women per year.

The Zonta Club of Adelaide Hills Inc. has partnered with Louise Place to assist in achieving independence through the “Getting Started Baskets”. Each young woman who transitions through the Louise Place program will receive a basket to take with them into their independent living environment. As the goal of Zonta International is to “Enhance the Status of Women”, the Zonta Club of Adelaide Hills members believe that this simple project will make a huge difference to the lives of young women who are embarking on a new journey with their new baby. Our gift will be a symbol of caring, understanding and hope for their futures.

The baskets (washing baskets or buckets) include:
Clothes washing detergent and pegs, dish washing liquid and kitchen sponges, dust pan and broom, a set of sheets and pillow cases, cot sheets, baby towel, Napisan, disposable nappies and baby wipes, flannels, hand towels, formula and a Snuggle rug made by the Club members.

Posted in Projects.