Women’s Expo

Inaugural Women’s Expo 

Over twelve months of planning came to fruition with 30 exhibitors and performers at our inaugural Women’s Expo on Saturday 18 November in the Soldiers Memorial Gardens, Hawthorn. The weather blessed us with perfect conditions and the participating organisations provided a festive atmosphere. 

After touring the various stalls Minister Katrine Hildyard MP, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence officially opened the Expo. We were pleased to welcome Heather Holmes-Ross, Mayor of the City of Mitcham to the event, and very pleased to have the Hon Louise-Miller Frost MP Member for Boothby and Catherine Hutchesson MP, Member for Waite as exhibitors. 

Exhibitors covered a wide range of opportunities for women and girls. 

The success of the Expo was certainly a team effort from the Working Group of Bev, Joy, Sue, George, Lesley, Jane and Merilyn. A lot of input from everyone over the year.

We are grateful to the Council for the grant received and to the ongoing support and encouragement from Catherine Hutchesson MP.